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What is Infant Dyschezia and How to Identify It?

What is Infant Dyschezia and How to Identify It?
Today I want to talk to you about infant dyschezia, a condition that I think is important to recognizeespecially if you are a first-time motherIf you see your baby red as a tomatomaking noises and moans as if something is bothering himyou may not know what is happening and if it is normal or not. Here I explain everything you need to know. 
Infant dyschezia is a common functional disorder in babies during the first months of life. It is characterized by recurrent episodes of crying, straining, and discomfort that occur before a bowel movement, but without any underlying organic abnormality. Unlike constipation, babies with infant dyschezia have normal, soft stools. 
This disorder is due to the immaturity of the baby's nervous and digestive system, which is still learning to coordinate intestinal movements and relaxation of the anal sphincter. It is a benign and common process that does NOT need treatment, since it is a normal phase of baby development. It is crucial to understand that nothing bad is happening and that we should not medicate under any circumstances. 

To alleviate these symptoms, we can offer calm, patience and security to our baby. Being present, performing small massages to improve intestinal flow and using positions that promote intestinal transit can be of great help. 
Additionally, thermotherapy with the Wawa Band can be an excellent option. This band acts as an analgesic thanks to its local heat, and at the same time exerts a dilation effect and facilitates evacuation. Wawa Band is a magnificent ally for all gastrointestinal processes. 
I hope this information is useful to you and gives you peace of mind when caring for your baby.