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Why does carrying help reduce colic?

Why does carrying help reduce colic?

Carrying is one of the main preventive actions that you can develop with your baby to help him suffer from less intense colic. Or try to prevent them.

But why does shipping help reduce them? Today we tell you the reasons.

1. Colic has a high emotional component. Colic often appears at the time of day when our babies are tired of all the stimuli of the day. For this reason, the more rested they arrive at night, the lower the colic.
The carrying, favors the baby to sleep. Thanks to the contact, thanks to the movement and sound of your heart. Your baby feels good when you carry him. Feels safe and sleeps more than being in the crib.

2. The movement also favors the expulsion of gases. Thanks to the movements that develop when walking, the baby tends to expel gas. In this way, they do not have those uncomfortable sensations of gas when the critical hour arrives.

3. Positioning. In addition, by being positioned raised, if there is a problem with reflux, we encourage them to have less irritation since reflux is reduced.

4. Contact. But the most important point is the contact and the bond that you create with your baby. Apart from helping them to sleep, promoting the expulsion of gases ... for us, the most important thing that carrying is offered is safety. Welfare. The connection between baby and mom or dad. Babies need us, especially the first few days. They are small, sensitive and require our heat. With the carry, we offer them that warmth and that contact that they so much need. Thus promoting their well-being, increasing their self-esteem and safety.
And what can we carry? Well, for a newborn, the best thing to do is to wear a scarf or carrying shirts. The most important thing is that it is ERGONOMIC and that it is safe.

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