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The best gifts for this Christmas 2020

The best gifts for this Christmas 2020

2020 is a strange year. A different year. A year that comes with very tough decisions and conditions. We have passed a confinement, now we live with the second wave of infections spinning above our heads. If there is health in the family, we can say that we are one of the lucky ones. You may have been through the virus and, if you are okay now, you can also consider yourself from this group. If you are healthy, but have lost your job, it is hard. Because we all suffer in order to provide for our families. But it is not the end of the world. If you have lost someone to covid. Sorry. We are so sorry.

A year that, although you are in good health, presents a very great mental exhaustion. A year where we cannot see our friends, we cannot get together as a group, consequences to a year when the older children are more affected. Because when you were little, you only need mom and dad. But when you grow up, you already need friends. Mom and Dad aren't everything anymore.

Some parties in which we will be few. The closest family. But, a party in which peace has to prevail. Love. The tranquility. The sustainability of this world.

So this year maybe it is a good idea to give away those things that will make you feel good. That they will bring you peace.

All our products are intended to bring you well-being in a natural way. Respecting your body, respecting your peace. And respecting the environment.

Our products are local. The fabrics, the seeds ... we all buy it in Spain. The workshop is located in Barcelona, ​​and it is a workshop where each of the women who are part of it are cared for. Because when you buy at Kusi Wawa, you not only receive well-being, but you also favor the well-being of those who are part of our chain.

If you know someone who is expecting a baby, do not hesitate to buy a GIFT PACK. The three pieces together are very cute and there are only the latest news. In addition, with the purchase of Wawa Band + Wawa Wrap + Wawa Wear you will get a natural sweet almond massage oil completely free.

If you are pregnant, and you are already beginning to notice the ailments of your tummy, do not hesitate to give yourself a WAWA MOM BELT. You will use it a lot in pregnancy, but then you will continue to use it a lot. The belt tested and created by Matron Laura Tarrats will be the best gift this holidays.

If your periods often hurt or you have back pain, give yourself the WAWA MOM BELT. The perfect method to apply heat in a 100% natural way and that also allows you to keep moving.

You will find all our packs with discount on the web. Head there to see them. And get ready for a Christmas, both different and special.